
Bombay Roads

You may recall an article in the Wynnum Herald several months ago where Peter Cumming compared the road surface in Banoon Drive in Wynnum to Bombay and suggested the council might like to resurface the road. After the council initially dismissed the suggestion, within a few weeks road surveyors were out in force and a new road surface is going down as we speak.

Banoon Drive resurfaceOf course nothing to do with the council elections scheduled for March next year!

Whatever the reason, Banoon Drive residents now have a spanking new road, so now no cause for complaints. The power of the Wynnum Herald…

PS we have no knowledge of roads in Bombay – they may be excellent for all we know

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One Comment

  1. As Councillor for Wynnum Manly I take great pride that the petition to resurface Banoon Drive assisted in having the street resurfaced. also tiny Awoonga Street has also got a guernsey.

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