
Imagine Wynnum had a cinema…

Imagine …if you will… that a cinema opened in Wynnum (leading question maybe). What film would you like to watch on opening night? Let us know below in the comments or on our Facebook page. Once we have a reasonable number of suggestions (and we’ve already had quite a few on Facebook) we’ll put them into a survey and get you to vote for them.

Wynnum Cinema SurveyWe’re also suggesting you give us two options – a ‘family friendly’ choice and an ‘anything goes’ choice.

PS our Wynnum Cinema Survey is still open on our surveys page if you are not one of the 1600+ people who have already completed it. We also published interim results from that survey here, if you missed them –

The cinema survey results

PPS there is a reason we’re asking… but we can’t tell you yet.

Image credit: http://www.flickr.com/…/…/7355717660/sizes/m/in/photostream/

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  1. Many years ago (in the early 1950’s) my family attended Sammy Greene’s Star Picture Show and watched a film called “Back of Beyond”.
    The film was the story of an Outback Carrier and Mail Contractor who drove an antiquated large truck, with fat tyres, over the sandy terrain of the Birdsville Track in Central Queensland delivering food and supplies to people living in very remote areas.
    I was only young but that film has remained in my memory for my entire life. The film was a “Shell Oil” production and shown on a 16 mm projector on a stand at the front of the Star Pictures auditorium.
    As an aside issue, friends and I attended the Star Theatre the night before it burnt down on a Sunday morning. I think it was 1957
    Tony Fisher

    1. Hi Tony

      In case we can’t track down that film you saw, do you have any recollection of what the film was you saw at Star Pictures?

  2. I’d have to say The Rocky Horror Picture Show for ‘anything goes’. The audience can participate a lot and there is a lot of Aussie talent in it. Probably The Labyrinth for a children’s movie because both kids and adults alike tend to love it and the music. They are both favourites in cinemas showing the flashback films. Although for feelgood films, Ghostbusters isn’t too bad for kids too, get in before the new one comes out 😉

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