
Wynnum Central’s first eight storey building to transform Florence Street

Preliminary construction work has begun on an eight story development in Florence Street – Wynnum Central’s very first eight storey building since the City Plan increased height limits in Wynnum Central (east of the railway line) to up to a maximum of eight storeys in 2009.

ALTO site drillingThe building, called ALTO – ‘alto’ means ‘high’ in Italian – will feature a roof terrace public wine bar and two to three bedroom units up to 150sqm.

Image credits: ThinkTank Architects

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      1. No, but I will check it out. Thank you! It’s great to see Wynnum “come of age”! It’s got everything going for it! Great climate, close to the waterfront etc.!!

  1. Bring it on… cant wait for Alto to be built,we need more life and places to attract businsses and there fore prosperity to our fabulous area. Look forward to another wine bar too! The more the merrier ! What with the new Woolies and Library . We will have the best lifestyle in Brisbane.

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