
Republic of Wynnum reports passport shortage

The newly formed Republic of Wynnum has recently reported a shortage of new passports for people applying for citizenship. Here is the announcement from the Republic’s website…

Official Announcement from The Republic of Wynnum

We have a slight passport shortage at the moment as the number of our citizens has climbed to over 500. Some Passport Offices still have stock, but other have exhausted their supply. We are waiting for a new batch of passports to arrive from the printers.

You can still apply, either online or at one of our Passport Offices listed on this website. We’ll then let you know when you can come in and pick up your passport.

To address any confusion, the Republic does not post out regular passports (although it does post out the special aristocratic passports) – you must pick these up from a Passport Office. If you applied online, you just need to print out your temporary certificate of citizenship which you received via email and take it in with you.

We will let you know here and via other communications channels when new passports are available.

We apologise for the inconvenience.


For updates on passport availability, visit http://www.republicofwynnum.org/.

The Republic has also advised us that, since launching the cash for honours program covered here, there are now fourteen new members of the aristocracy. you can apply for an aristocratic title here… http://www.republicofwynnum.org/honours/apply-for-your-title/.

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