
Big Apple thinking outside the square with empty shops

Thanks (again) to reader Athanasia for bringing our attention to this interesting article in The Guardian, describing an approach to the problem of vacant shops in the Lower East Side…

Can pop-ups sustain small business in pricey downtown NewYork

Wynnum clearly isn’t New York. But can we learn from this experience? What do you think?

Image credit: http://pixabay.com/p-19109/?no_redirect

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One Comment

  1. This is a great idea!
    Additionally, would shop owners be willing to lend their spaces to amateur interior design displays? Perhaps make a competition out of it. It beats looking at empty stores & thanks to the popularity of The Block every man & his dog is a budding interior designer / critic. If the winner was voted for by the general public it might draw more people into Wynnum….

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