
School site in limbo

Back in December last year Brisbane City Council held a community consultation on the old school site and invited ideas and suggestions. According to the original timeline, Council were going to make some decisions about the use of the building dedicated to community use by ‘early 2014’, even though they did allow ideas to be submitted until the end of February.

However, here we are now at the end of May and so far no indication or communication from Council as to what will be happening or when it will be happening. Again, according to the original documentation, the community facility was going to be open in 2015, with work starting in mid 2014.

The Wynnum & Districts Chamber of Commerce and a number of other community bodies have submitted proposals, including the WynnumCentral team, with a submission for an artists-in-residence program to establish Wynnum as an art centre. You can watch the video here:


We await Council’s response with bated breath! (but perhaps we shouldn’t hold our breath)

Image credit: http://www.fotopedia.com/items/flickr-3830864160

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