
WynnumCentral proposal for Artists-in-Residence program for Wynnum Central School site

We’ve put together a seven minute video about our proposal to Brisbane City Council for an artists-in-residence program for Wynnum on the old school site. Have a look…


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9 thoughts on “WynnumCentral proposal for Artists-in-Residence program for Wynnum Central School site”

  1. Kate Roeth
    You are doing a great job David!! Apart from the ideas for the Artists in Residence, (which is fantastic) ; watching this clip at the un-used Wynnum Central State School site, brings to mind a great site for producers/advertisers to use as a set for a movie, Tele-series, TV advertisement, etc… Imagine the people it would bring to the area.??
  2. admin
    Hi Kate – that’s a great idea. It was a great location for the shoot! Glad you like the Artists-in-Residence idea.
  3. Bryan Nugent
    I think Kate is “on the money” with her suggestions of movie set, ads etc. Also, as an amateur photographer, one room fitted out as a studio with lights, backdrops etc. I thought could be of interest to both pro’s, trainers and members of photo clubs.Making a movie like this is a great way to stimulate the thoughts process – well done!
  4. Daniele Lamarche-Sarvia
    Great idea but why the artists has to be from around the world can’t we host a well known artist from every state to start and
    what do you have to offer those around the world artists to attract them here?
    and to motivate this movement perhaps there should be a cohesive art movement here to start the Wynnum Manly Art …hardly qualify as motivator or representative of visual arts
    D L-Sarvia

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