
Fancy dress on steroids – Cosplay meets Steampunk Festival

For the second year running Wynnum Manly Arts Council brings a bit of fun to Spring with the return of their Steampunk Art in Florence, but with a twist – this time with the addition of Cosplay.

If you’re not familiar with Cosplay, the word is an abbreviation of ‘costume play’ and was coined as a term for people dressing up as their favourite characters from films, cartoons or comics, often at science fiction conventions. The word originated in Japan back in 1984.

The organisers of the festival, which is being held on Saturday 26th August (10am-6pm) at the Wynnum Community Centre at 105 Florence Street in Wynnum, are encouraging everyone to dress up in their best cosplay or steampunk outfits and come on down (and prizes will be given to the best dressed adults and children!).

If you ever wanted to have your picture taken with Lord Sauron, Rocketman (pictured left) or maybe even Maleficent, this is the day, as they will all be there for photo opps!

Here are a few of the things happening on the day…

  • Alchemist Guild
  • Punch & Judy
  • Magic Puppet Show
  • Armoured Combat Demo
  • Stiltwalkers
  • Medieval Encampment
  • Slime Making
  • Dungeons & Dragons

Plus lots of live music, from brass bands to rock bands and quite a lot in between (we mean jazz).

If you are wondering how you’re going to get through the day, there will be a few food trucks and food stalls at the festival, from fish and chips to Asian snacks as well as vegan and gluten free food, plus – of course – coffee. Oh, and ice cream. And an array of all sorts of interesting market stalls.

You have just over a week to get your costume together, unless of course it’s already hanging in your wardrobe…

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