
Watch out – there’s an election coming!

And we'd like to hear your questions for the candidates

With a 14th May Federal election looking odds on, the likelihood is that election campaigning will start in the next week or so and early voting will open on 2nd May.

As we have done in previous elections we are hoping to talk to all of the candidates for the Federal seat of Bonner. There are 6 of them…

Ross Vasta Liberal National Party (current sitting MP, who holds the seat with a margin of 7.4%)



Tabatha Young Australian Labor Party




Bernard Lakey Greens




Serge Diklitch United Australia Party




Amanda Neil Pauline Hanson’s One Nation




Kim Prior New Liberals




We will be in contact with all of the candidates to ask them your questions, either in an event/debate setting if this can be organised or by interviewing each candidate and letting you know their answers here.

What are your concerns? Are they local or national, or a bit of both. Either let us know in the comments below or send us your questions for the candidates via email to [email protected].

Main photo by Aditya Joshi on Unsplash

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One Comment

  1. Regarding Watch out, Election is coming:
    Two Questions:
    1. In addition to the $250 one off payment what action/s will you take to provide people who are struggling on age pension, disability pension and jobseeker payments with increased income to meet cost of living.
    2. What commitments will you make to increase supply of social housing?

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