
Another kebab joint for Wynnum Central

Just in the last week or so a new fast food spot has opened up in Edith Street at the Tingal Road end – Wynnum Kebabs – or, to give it its longer name Wynnum Kebabs Burgers & Shakes.

Opened by owner Sid (pictured right with team member), they are looking to capitalise on changing eating habits, with people eating out closer to home than they used to. Wynnum Kebabs will also be open longer hours, opening until midnight on weekends.

They serve a full range of burgers and kebabs and of course milkshakes along with ‘HSPs’. In case you’re wondering, these are Halal Snack Packs. It’s a thing!


PS they also have a vegetarian burger option. And a sign that says ‘WTF’ in big neon letters…

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  1. Calling this business a “joint” has the wrong connotation. It suggests a rather down market establishment.
    As to the scooters, I fear they may end like the supermarket trolleys that get left a considerable distance from the place of intended use.

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