
A wander around Wynnum

Wynnum Central is an ever-changing landscape at the moment. Here’s a few things we noticed when we went for a little wander around downtown Wynnum recently…

The shop on the corner of Edith Street and Bay Terrace where the gel blaster shop used to be is in the process of being refitted and will open in a few months as a new branch of mortgage brokers Mortgage Choice. We understand the fitout will be very smart!*


The strip of shops next to the Wynnum Library – Florence Place – has had a bit of a makeover and now has a number of new occupants including Perry’s Prime Meats (who have moved from their previous location next to Perry’s on Tingal Road), a new hairdressing salon called Studio K Hair and a Brazilian wax salon – Brazil Wax – which we understand will open soon. They join the laundrette and The Biltong & Jerky Hut. Only one shop remains vacant now.

Have you seen the new mural (main image)? Check out the alleyway next to Cultivate Design Co. on Bay Terrace for the latest street art. It looks pretty good lit up at night too!



The Thai restaurant on the corner of Berrima Street and Bay Terrace has had a rebrand is now called the Mekhong Thai Restaurant. We’re unsure as to whether it has also changed hands.



The Hearty Art Studio, which used to be next to the Thai restaurant above, is moving into a new spot in the heart of Wynnum Central (pun intended) at 138 Bay Terrace, where a hairdressing salon used to be.



Let us know if we’ve missed anything!

*thanks to Wynnum Business Members and supporters of WynnumCentral James Dean Commercial on the heads up

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